What do we need to get started? What should you be gathering together? How does the web design process work? Check out these 4 steps!
Send us your logo in one of the following formats: EPS, PDF, PNG.
Don’t have a logo? No worries, we can help! Our specialists will design a custom, professional logo for you.
What colors would you like on your website? The colors from your logo are an excellent place to start.
Colors should be careful chosen to convey the intend feeling and mood of the website.
Should your site be eco-friendly? Bold and exciting? Calming and relaxing?
Send us your best HD photos for your website. The bigger the size, the better.
Methods of digital transportation: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Email, Text, We Transfer.
Are there any websites out there you particularly like?
Whether they are in the same industry as you or not, this is very helpful information!
Give us an idea of what you’d like to see on your website.
What pages do you want on your website? Ideas: Home, About Us, Services, Products, Testimonials, Photo Gallery, Contact.
You can have whatever pages you want. This is your website!
Most importantly, send us the content that goes on each page.
For the About Us page, send a few paragraphs and photos to explain your company’s background and story.
For the Contact page, what’s your current contact details?
For the Gallery, we need photos to put there.
What's Next?
Now that the website is designed, developed and launched, what’s next? This is important! Read our Going Live Guide to ensure you get the most out of your new website.
Your website is in good hands with our reliable hosting and Website Care Service.
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